
Mee6 bot welcome message
Mee6 bot welcome message

  • Add a banner to the server leaderboard page.
  • Customize default !rank cards for members.
  • mee6 bot welcome message

    Use the !give-xp and !remove-xp commands.Give predefined role rewards to members when they reach specific levels.Auto-moderate messages containing server invites or external links.Audit the editing and deletion of messages and the posting of server invites.

    mee6 bot welcome message

    Access the Reaction Roles, Record, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Music Quiz, Music plugins and Leveling.MEE6 Premium is a paid subscription-based service that unlocks exclusive features. Use the !rank command to see any user's ranking, level, and XP. To avoid spamming, earning XP is limited to 1 message per minute. XP for server members is recorded and listed at a server leaderboard, which can be found by entering the !leaderboard command. Users will level up at specific XP thresholds, at which point an announcement is sent in the current channel or in a DM. If leveling is enabled, users gain XP when they send messages. It is restricted to create 3 custom commands without MEE6 Premium. Commands can also have role restrictions and cooldown times set. They can contain formatting, emoji, or links. These commands can respond with custom messages in a DM or a public channel or give members one or more roles. MEE6 allows server moderators to set up custom commands. There are a lot of bots to choose from, all of which can perform different tasks and enable a variety of functions on your server.MEE6 can be added to a server for free by clicking the "Add to Discord" button on official site ( mee6.xyz) or by clicking here (direct link). You'll need the permissions and authority to kick a bot from a server – which you'll have if you are the server owner. You can find the list of members on the right-hand side of your server, which will include bots. How to remove a bot from your Discord Steps Once you're happy with the bot, select "Save Changes".For example, we can have a bot delete a message if someone uses an excessive number of emojis, warn a member that they have posted an excessive use of emojis – or both, if you wish.For each rule, you can decide to have the bot delete a message posted by a user, warn a member that they broke a rule of the server, or delete the message and issue a warning to the user. Scroll down to "Auto-Moderator" and select the rules you want the bot to invoke.

    mee6 bot welcome message

    Select "Yes" when prompted to enable the plug-in.Go to your MEE6 Dashboard and select "Moderator".

    Mee6 bot welcome message